Adirondack Home Watch FAQ

Whether you have a vacation home, travel extensively or just have to be away for a particular time, our exclusive home watch services give you peace of mind and let you focus on what you need to instead of worrying about your home! Need a caretaker for your Adirondack summer home or camp? Check out our Adirondack Home Watch FAQ here:

What is a home watch service?

A home watch service provides regular scheduled visual inspections of the exterior and interior of your home. The goal of a home watch service is to be your eyes when you are not there and to minimize the damage that undiscovered problems can cause by finding a problem that might occur sooner than you would.

How is Adirondack Home Watch service different?

We are professionals with broad experience in residential home building and property ownership as well as an understanding of property insurance in the Adirondacks of NY. Our region provides its own set of weather challenges and we are native Adirondackers.

Will Adirondack Home Watch be available to meet service providers such as phone, cable or security system installers?

Yes we will. Through our extra services we can be called upon to meet any service providers and provide immediate photographic and/or written documentation. We can also accept deliveries or provide concierge shopping services.

What is the single easiest way to prevent interior water damage to my home?

Simply turn off the water pump system when leaving your home.

What if I get home and realize I have forgotten this very important step?

Send Adirondack Home Watch an email and put your mind at ease.

What is the largest source of electrical utility cost savings?

Turn off your hot water heater when you leave. Why pay to heat your water when you are not using it. If you forget, repeat the steps above.

Why do I need a home watch service?

Due to the multiple things that can happen at your home during your absence – whether it be break ins, freeze ups or something as simple as a bird through a window – our early detection can be invaluable to you. Even if you have neighbors or relatives nearby, your insurance company may require the name of a professional who will look after your property.

 Call us today at (518) 321-3911drop us a note online or email us directly for more information on how we can provide exceptional home watch and caretaker services for your Adirondack summer home, camp or property!